About Kristin

Dr. Kristin Mozeiko, founder of Alexander Technique Brooklyn and ART of Releasing, is an AmSAT-certified Alexander Technique teacher. In 2008 she completed a three year 1,600-hour, teacher training program at ATNYC where she studied under John Nicholls and Nanette Walsh and later served on faculty as a teacher-trainer. In 2018 she completed a yearlong training under the guidance of Kate Freeman to become a certified Releasing coach. For 14 years, Dr. Mozeiko served on the faculty at Queens College, where she conducted the wind ensemble and taught music education courses and the Alexander Technique to musicians. Dr. Mozeiko holds degrees in music education (BA), French horn performance (MM) and a doctorate in music education (DMA). Her doctoral work focused on integrating the Alexander Technique with music education/performance and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), and this ongoing mission strongly informs her research, writing and other contributions to the advancement of music education and practice.

Languages Spoken: English, French.

Check out my BLOG to learn more about my journey with hypermobility, TOS, CTS, tendonitis, knee issues and how the technique saved me from a life of chronic pain.